Monthly Archives: September 2004

Tony’s superstar track bike

Tony was kind enough to forget his badge at home today, thereby forcing him to park outside so I could get a couple of pictures. He’s talked about his front end swap over on his blog, but the short version … Continue reading

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Gar the Green Goof

In honor of our friend Gar’s birthday today, I repost Toddrod’s ST.n ode to Dr. Seuss: Gar the Green Goof and a Hooter Named Bluepoof. Here is a story about a Hooter named Bluepoof…       and the … Continue reading

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Ventura luggage rack

Peter and I put a Ventura luggage rack onto the Superhawk for the Pacific Rally; here’s the write-up.

Posted in Wrenching | 4 Comments

2004 Pacific Rally

This past weekend was the 2004 Wind Dancers Pacific Rally. 🙂 The trip report starts here….

Posted in Rides | 6 Comments

Fitness updates

Weights: Doing pretty well; I’ve upped the weight of some exercises. Today I did: Deltoid (Side): 45lb barbell upright row (2 sets X 6 reps) Back (General): 40lb barbell bent-over row (2X6) Trapezius (Upper): 45lb barbell shrug (2X6) Deltoid (Rear): … Continue reading

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