Category Archives: Wrenching

A maintenance day for everyone

I’ve been back on the bike for a few weeks now and it was nagging me more and more that the Ninjette hadn’t had a service, not even an oil change, in 14 months.   Now, obviously I haven’t been … Continue reading

Posted in Mom Motorcycling, Ninja 250, Wrenching | 1 Comment

The bike is back!

Hooray, the Ninjette is back in the garage!  Thanks to Andrew’s tender loving care, it’s running better than ever before, too. Seriously, kids, this was really embarrassing. Not only was the chain in horrific shape (Andrew said he didn’t even … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Rides, Wrenching | 4 Comments

Naked Ninjette

As you may remember, my last ride didn’t exactly go as planned.  Thus, this past Tuesday found me in the garage instead of out on the road. Now, all I really had to do was replace the battery.  This is … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Wrenching | 7 Comments

Stopping is overrated.

Andrew came over on Friday night to help me (translation: do all the work) put new tires on the Ninja, as well as do an oil change and give the bike a general once-over. He declared the bike in good … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Wrenching | 2 Comments

Woot, short found and mostly fixed!

Whew, that was easy.  We knew it had to have something to do with installing the bar risers, since everything was working before that point.  Peter helped me remove the gas tank (can I just whine about how frustrating it … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Wrenching | 2 Comments