Category Archives: F650GS

Ted Porter Beemer Shop Update #3

The base gasket just arrived in the shop today after being delayed by the Bulgarians for a few days.   So it's looking like around another week of shop time, assuming everything goes well from here on out.  At least … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS | 3 Comments

Ted Porter Beemer Shop Update #2

I've been up in Redmond for work this week, so I didn't get a chance to call Ted Porter's until this afternoon.  "Hi, my name is Carolyn Bierman and I have a a F650GS in there for…" "Carolyn! Hi! How … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS | 5 Comments

Update from Ted Porter’s

Just a quick update to say that I heard from the mechanic at Ted Porter's Beemer Shop.  The water pump is A-OK, so the next thing to check is the head gasket.   They went ahead and ordered a new one, … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS | 3 Comments

Off to the doctor

The Beemer went off to Ted Porter's Beemer Shop this morning.   I hate seeing the bike in the truck.  Boo.  But, with work and hockey the way they are lately — not to mention three other motorcycles that need some sort … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Wrenching | 3 Comments

My motorcycle looks like Carlsbad Caverns.

W. T. F. The Beemer's been running fine for once, which always makes me nervous. And for good reason! So today, the temperature light went on. "That's odd," thought I, since it was 40F out at the time. I rode … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Wrenching | 11 Comments