Category Archives: Alaska


Now’s as good a time as any to talk about Jim a little bit. I first met him when I was sitting on the deck of the M/V Columbia, watching the coastline go by. He sat down next to me … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska | 5 Comments

Jim, Part 1

Motorcyclist dies in wreck Staff Report Tuesday, August 3, 2004 HAYDEN — A Craig teenager returning home from a church camp in a sport-utility vehicle crossed the centerline of U.S. Highway 40 and struck a motorcycle head-on Monday, the State … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska | 18 Comments

More pictures.

All of the Alaska trip pictures are now online. Sadly, they’re not captioned — someday Peter and I will get around to adding that functionality to our photo script — so if you have any questions about any of ’em, … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska | 2 Comments

A “welcome back” friend

Today was my first day back at work. Someone left this little guy on my monitor for me. Hee!

Posted in Alaska | 1 Comment

So you want to ride to Alaska

There won’t be “normal” write-ups of the Alaska trip, since I’m trying to sell multiple articles about it to various magazines. Instead, I’m trying to put together a sort of FAQ about motorcycling to Alaska: pros and cons of the … Continue reading

Posted in Alaska | 2 Comments