Category Archives: Kira

The 2014 bike show!

This past weekend was the annual bike show.  We decided to go on Friday evening because we figured it would be less crowded due to (a) Friday (b) raining (c) Halloween.  We were right — there were VERY few people … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Kira, The Daily Grind | 4 Comments

Catching up

Since my last post was a picture of me being incredibly pregnant, hopefully it won’t come as a surprise to anyone to learn that we have since had our second child.  Alex was born on January 10 and everything has … Continue reading

Posted in Alex, Kira | 3 Comments

The tragedy of the fallen motorcycle

Kira tipped over her motorcycle the other day and then put her arms out and yelled OOOOOHHHH NOOOOOO!!!!  I was like, “yeah, I’ve been there, buddy.” I tried to re-enact it, but it wasn’t as good as the first time. … Continue reading

Posted in Kira | 2 Comments

I’m a proud mama

Yeah, I know I haven’t posted in forever.  I, uh, haven’t been riding.  Or playing hockey.  Hopefully that doesn’t come as a shock to anyone. 😉 I had to share this, though…on Sunday, Kira specifically wanted to sit on her … Continue reading

Posted in Kira, The Daily Grind | 3 Comments

I’d better start saving money now

One of Kira’s favorite books lately is one I got for Christmas a few years ago called “Superbikes: The World’s Greatest Street Racers”.   I’d had it face out on a high shelf and she pointed and yelled at me … Continue reading

Posted in Kira, The Daily Grind | 3 Comments