Catching up

Since my last post was a picture of me being incredibly pregnant, hopefully it won’t come as a surprise to anyone to learn that we have since had our second child.  Alex was born on January 10 and everything has been going pretty well (sleep deprivation notwithstanding).



I haven’t posted because there hasn’t been anything motorcycle- or hockey-related to talk about yet.

Kira did go ice skating for the first time on Thursday, so we’re one step closer to a family hockey team.


As far as MY hockey and motorcycling — I’ve gotten the OK from my doctor to do both so now it’s just a matter of finding the time (hahahahahhahahahahaha).  The new hockey season starts on April 18 and I’ve already registered, hooray!

Motorcycling will be a little tricker.  My bike is still at the paint shop, so even if I magically had a free day, I couldn’t ride yet.  But I think it’ll be another month or so regardless just due to logistics of babysitting.   Once Alex is three months old I’ll feel better about leaving him for a half day or so to head out on the bike.

I’m also hoping to do an overnight trip this summer, Peter willing.  Fingers crossed!  So, anyway, hopefully that means some eventual new content here soon.  Woot woot!

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