Category Archives: Mom Motorcycling

A maintenance day for everyone

I’ve been back on the bike for a few weeks now and it was nagging me more and more that the Ninjette hadn’t had a service, not even an oil change, in 14 months.   Now, obviously I haven’t been … Continue reading

Posted in Mom Motorcycling, Ninja 250, Wrenching | 1 Comment

Mom motorcycling, part 2

Oops, I didn’t realize my part 1 of Mom Motorcycling thoughts was 2 months ago already.  Time flies! As I mentioned last time, there are two categories of “riding while being a mom” that take more prep work than you’d … Continue reading

Posted in Kira, Mom Motorcycling | 2 Comments

We Can Do It!

This link went around my Facebook feed last week, I believe originally from Stephanie, and I loved it for obvious reasons: it’s about a mom showing her daughter that, yes, women can (and do!) work on cars. I could … Continue reading

Posted in Mom Motorcycling | 1 Comment

Mom motorcycling, part 1

OK, I’ve been promising to write about my thoughts on “mom motorcycling” for a while; let’s see how far I can get during morning naptime. 😉  Disclaimer:  Lots of blather ahead and no photos of interesting scenery.  Proceed at your … Continue reading

Posted in Kira, Mom Motorcycling, The Daily Grind | 2 Comments