Category Archives: Way Back Machine

Way Back Machine: My first long distance ride

Another of Red’s questions in the comments was about my first long distance ride.  I had a hard time coming up with which ride fit this bill — “long distance” becomes relative after a while and, by now, anything short … Continue reading

Posted in Trips and Travels, Way Back Machine | 4 Comments

Way Back Machine: Early days of motorcycling

OK, let’s tackle a couple of Red’s questions from the comments the other day. Sorry there aren’t many photos in this entry — my pics from the late 90s are on a different hard drive and I thought I knew … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 3 Comments

Way Back Machine: Beer

So Peter is off in Montana for the week on his annual snowboarding trip with some guys he’s been friends with since he was a wee little Intern Boy at Apple back at the dawn of time.  My only condition … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 4 Comments

Way Back Machine: Roadside Oddities

I don’t remember the context of the conversation, but the other day, Peter got a song stuck in my head. Normal people get normal songs stuck in their heads; I get “The Biggest Ball of Twine in Minnesota”. I make … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 9 Comments

Way Back Machine: Superhawk

Someone on the Ninjette forum was asking for peoples’ opinions on the Honda Superhawk the other day and, since we happen to own one, I posted some of our thoughts on it. It had been a while since I’d reminisced … Continue reading

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