Monthly Archives: August 2004

Assembling a home gym

Peter and I went to Sears today, “just to look”, and ended up with a pretty nice start to a home gym. We were a little concerned that said gym would end up costing a million bazillion dollars, because I … Continue reading

Posted in Fitness | 3 Comments

Wind Dancers EOM Putt

Today was the Wind Dancers End of the Month Putt. There ended up being just three of us: myself, Laura, and Barb. We sat around Starbucks for much longer than usual, drinking coffee and chatting, and eventually decided to head … Continue reading

Posted in Rides | 3 Comments

Lunch ride to Alice’s

Since I was working from home today and Kim has the week off, we decided to meet for lunch up at Alice’s. It was a good ride up — I took the quasi-long way, as I wanted to both have … Continue reading

Posted in Rides | 7 Comments

Walk Away the Pounds

I’m working at home today, and needed something to get my ass up off the couch — I should get my desk set up at home, as it’s just too easy to flop on the couch with my laptop and … Continue reading

Posted in Fitness | 3 Comments

Bikes near work

Andrea and I walk to lunch nearly every day, and lately there’s been an influx of new (to the area) bikes along our route. I’ve been enjoying drooling over the ’86 Yamaha Radian (the red one) — the Nighthawk has … Continue reading

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