NCWHL red division tryouts

My other hockey adventure over the weekend was the red division tryouts for NCWHL. I was in the green (beginners) division last season — those were the G2 posts — and I thought it’d be fun to try out for the red (intermediate) division.

Tryouts were a bunch of fun — there were quite a few gals I knew from the green division last season, plus some women already in red that I know from Ice Oasis or elsewhere (Heather McJedi, Andrea, Cheddah, Del…). So the whole thing was way more like a skating party than anything else for me. Of course, I also met some new people and got to put some faces to names that I’d heard from Andrea. So much fun.

Both Friday and Sunday evals were pretty similar — about 45 minutes of drills followed by a half hour of scrimmage.

Drills were:

  • Skating forward down the ice, accelerating at the blue line
  • Ladder drill
  • Skating forward down the ice, transitioning to backwards skating at the blue line, then transitioning back to forwards skating at the other blue line
  • Backwards skating across the ice width-wise
  • Russian circles to show forward crossovers
  • Skating forward down the ice, passing back and forth with one other player, and then shooting at the goal
  • Skating forward down the ice with the puck, maneuvering around cones, and then shooting at the goal
  • Horseshoe drill

Scrimmage was, well, a normal scrimmage. The goal was for each player to play each position at least once, to show the evaluators that you know your positioning, but it didn’t always work out that way due to the timing of players coming on and off the ice. I think I wound up playing left wing 3 times and never did end up at right D…but I don’t think that’s a big deal. The evaluators can probably conclude that my right D positioning is fairly similar to my left D positioning. 😉

My mom was visiting from out of town this weekend, so I dragged her and Peter to yesterday’s evals, where we took some goofy pictures. 🙂

Penalty! Penalty!

Me and mom:

Me and my sweetiesnookums:

So, I should find out if I made red hopefully in the next week or so. Fingers crossed! 🙂

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