Monthly Archives: August 2006

One season down

Time flies when you’re having fun….it seems like just yesterday I was buying my first pair of skates and teetering around at skills classes. Now my first season of adult hockey is officially over and I’m teetering around at skills … Continue reading

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Little things

Did a couple of weenie little things on the Z today… First thing was to remove the front reflectors. For some reason, they really stood out much more than the ones on the SVS did — probably because orange on … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind, Z750S | 1 Comment

Shoulder update

When last we left our intrepid explorer (that’d be me), I was pushing for an X-ray from the chiro to try to figure out why my shoulder is still bugging me two years later. It’s not just motorcycling that triggers … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 3 Comments

Anyone got a spare shoulder?

Gah, I rode the 15 miles to and from last night’s Women on Wheels meeting and now my shoulder is inflammed again. Well, maybe not “again”. Maybe “still”. On Monday, the chiropractor said I should feel optimistic that on that … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 3 Comments

Me not sucking with the backhand

I have a decent backhand in this photo! Woo! Though Tiffani is just about to totally shut me down. 😉

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