Anyone got a spare shoulder?

Gah, I rode the 15 miles to and from last night’s Women on Wheels meeting and now my shoulder is inflammed again. Well, maybe not “again”. Maybe “still”.

On Monday, the chiropractor said I should feel optimistic that on that day, only 3 of my ribs were out in addition to my collarbone and base of skull. On the previous visit, I had 4 ribs out.

For some reason, this does not make me optimistic.

I see the chiro again today. I’m going to push for an X-ray. Again.

I now have a list of shoulder specialists (thank you Susan!) and general orthopedic doctors (thank you, coworker Gary!). I see my GP on 8/28, in case I need referrals to any of them.

I’ve now tried two chiropractors, massage therapy, physical therapy, and acupuncture. It’s time to revisit Western medicine. Sigh.

I REALLY hope this is at least partially resolved by the end of September, so Peter and I can still do our week-long desert ride together. *grump*

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