Daily Archives: September 25, 2006

Williams, AZ

Wow, y’all are spoiled by my continual cell coverage. I guess there’s no such thing as wilderness anymore. 😉 We decided to call it a night in Williams, 60 miles south of the Grand Canyon, as we were getting a … Continue reading

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Seligman, AZ

Peter and I are enjoying an amazingly good dinner at the Roadkill Cafe in Seligman, AZ. We must have had low blood sugar, as the menu was totally cracking us up. “Too Slow Doe”, “Vermin Vittles”, “So Long Fawn”, “The … Continue reading

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Route 66, AZ

Somehow, every time I’ve been on this section of Route 66, it’s been at sunset with the most incredible light. Tonight didn’t disappoint. We saw a hawk just before stopping for these photos, perched on a fencepost and watching the … Continue reading

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Kingman, AZ

We seem to have escaped the Kingman curse this time by getting our non-fatal mechanical issues out of the way early (my gas gauge is still reading empty no matter how much fuel I have, but I think that’s due … Continue reading

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Two states down….

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