Daily Archives: October 13, 2004

Stuck in my pants.

I am stuck in my pants. When I put my leather pants on to leave work tonight, the zipper pull broke off the fly zipper. This was annoying, but not necessarily traumatic. When I got home, I took off my … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 7 Comments

Why no one will eat lunch with me.

Danger had a little Octoberfest BBQ at lunch today, so some friends and I were sitting on the curb in a roped-off part of the parking lot. While we were talking, I looked down and noticed a nut (as in … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

New throttle cable for the Bandit

I love it when the stars align, and my bike parts arrive on my workout routine “rest day”. I came home from work yesterday to find my new throttle cable on the doorstep and no obligations or plans for the … Continue reading

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