Monthly Archives: November 2004

Future trip?

My mom and I are sitting around the kitchen table, poring over a map of Iceland (she recently took a tour there). I’m delighted to see roads encompassing the entire country. Peter, who knows where things like this usually end … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 7 Comments

Hooray for new bikes!

No, not for me, you big sillies. Don’t I wish! So, hey, remember how a whole metric fuckton of us went to the bike show, and Deb sat on a YZF? Oh, I just re-read my entries, and it appears … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 1 Comment

East Bay Ride

I’m going to catch hell from Steph for going riding in the East Bay without calling her, but I promise, it was a spur of the moment thing! *cowers* To say that I’m too tired to write much about the … Continue reading

Posted in Rides | 3 Comments

Replacing the dashboard lights with LEDs

Here’s project #2 from this past weekend: replacing the dashboard lights with LEDs.

Posted in Wrenching | 3 Comments

FIAMM horns

Peter and I spent the day yesterday working on various projects; my first one was to install FIAMM horns onto the SVS. I decided to take y’all’s advice and put automotive horns on, and I’m pretty happy with the results. … Continue reading

Posted in Wrenching | 1 Comment