Manifest Destiny

So, now, after riding the Superhawk for a whopping 30ish miles yesterday, my obsessive-compulsive brain has come up with all sorts of Ways To Fix The Superhawk. This includes, naturally, many things that aren’t actually broken.

I do this with bikes. I’m incapable of riding them without wanting them, without wanting to change this or that, without trying to convince the owner that they’d be oh so much happier if they only did XYZ. The Superhawk has the double misfortune of actually living with me, and of being unridden by its owner for the forseeable future.

The first thing I did last night was take off the existing bar end (one was lost months ago) and put on my extra pair of SV bar ends. The latter are larger and heavier; I want to see if that cuts down the vibration. I also shone a flashlight into the Helibars and determined that they are, in fact, hollow. I’ll have to hunt down some lead shot that’s small enough to fit into the screw hole for the bar ends.

Peter wanted me to wait to put on the gel grips until he can root around in the garage to find some pair that he swears he bought many moons ago. I’m not holding my breath for the aforementioned rooting, and may just put my pair on anyway. The other option I’m toying with is getting HotGrips for the Superhawk — not only are they the most necessary luxury ever, but Ceej reminded me yesterday that the HotGrips grips are far thicker than our stock SVS grips. Assumedly, the Superhawk ones would be, as well.

I also printed out my compiled notes on seat shaving — something which sounds much more interesting than it actually is. Assuming that I can be trusted with knives tonight, I may start cutting down the stock seat and see if I can get that to be narrower and a little more comfortable. I’ll need to hunt down an electric stapler to put the seat cover back on, though. I doubt any of our friends has one just lying around. Obviously, I need more useful friends. 😉

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