Monthly Archives: March 2004

Write-up: front brake pad replacement

Here’s the write-up on replacing the front brake pads. Nothing too exciting; it’s a really straightforward exercise.

Posted in Wrenching | 1 Comment

Server down today’s server is being moved today, hence the broken pictures. The server should be back up later in the day. 🙂

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A monstrous entry about the weekend.

friday. We had a Bay Area dinner at City Pub in Redwood City on Friday night. It was really fun. I knew some of the people there, and some were new faces. Let’s see, in attendence were: Tom (Cal24Master), … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 4 Comments

Miles database

From today: NC Motorcyclists’ Mileage Database I have a relatively pitiful 26 mile/day average. I blame this on my short commutes — my current daily commute is only 25 miles round-trip, and it’s the longest commute I’ve had. Who … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments


The SVS rolled over 30,000 miles on the way into work today. Woo! I would have hit this weeks ago if it weren’t for the stoopid voltage regulator. I distinctly remember rolling over both 10k and 20k. The former was … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 1 Comment