Category Archives: Writing about Riding

Rider article sent!

I just got back from the post office, where it somehow took me 45 minutes to mail an envelope. But, the Rider article about the Haines Highway is off now. Yay! I’m really hoping the photos are OK this time. … Continue reading

Posted in Writing about Riding | 4 Comments

Bringing the bike into the story

I’ve been stalled on the Haines Highway article for a couple of days now. I’ve done four drafts; I think the core article is good. There are sentences I really like, and it’s getting to that magical state where every … Continue reading

Posted in Writing about Riding | 2 Comments

Slow progress

I was hoping to be farther along with my Rider article by now. I’ve only got my notes from the road written — I still have to do notes for Haines Junction and Haines, not to mention drafts. Won’t happen … Continue reading

Posted in Writing about Riding | 1 Comment

Calling Alaskans :)

I need some help identifying landmarks along the Haines Highway (mostly mountains and glaciers) for my article. If anyone is familiar with the area, can you drop me a line? Thanks!

Posted in Writing about Riding | 2 Comments

Another shot at Rider

It’s Take Two time for getting published in Rider — I just got the letter saying they’re interested in an article about the Haines Highway. After all the troubles with my photos last time, I’m hoping that this submission will … Continue reading

Posted in Writing about Riding | 1 Comment