Kanab, UT

No sooner did I mention my lasting cell coverage than did said cell coverage drop out completely. šŸ™‚

Peter and I are now hanging out at what appears to be the last available hotel rooms in Kanab, UT, with a free wireless connection and a six-pack of Uinta Brewing Company’s Cutthroat Pale Ale. Life does not suck.

Today we got off to a rough start after a shouting match in the hotel room above us woke Peter up at 4am (I have no idea how I slept through it) and an incessently-horn-tooting train woke us both up at 6am.

The day redeemed itself 60 miles later as we pulled into the Grand Canyon airport to take an hour-long helicopter tour of the Canyon. It was really awesome, in the true sense of the word. Even having been to the Grand Canyon before, the helicopter ride really gave a sense of scale that visiting the rim just couldn’t. Plus, neither of us had ever been in a helicopter before…it’s just like a flying motorcycle! Super fun and highly recommended.

After the helicopter trip, we had lunch and did the obligatory rim vista point visits. We didn’t go all the way to the South Rim village, but instead hit Mathers Point and then continued east towards Desert View.

OK, here’s one “real” photo, uploaded at great personal expense. šŸ˜‰

From the Canyon, we headed east into the Navajo Reservation and up into Utah. Once again, the last few miles were in darkness, made even more creepy by the “Deer Migration: Use Extreme Caution” signs peppering the highway. We stopped for a stretch in Kanab, and decided to stay the night instead of continuing on to Mt Carmel.

So, this brings us to tonight. Tomorrow we visit Zion National Park and make our way to back to Las Vegas. šŸ™‚ I doubt I’ll have cell connection tomorrow, and the hotels in Vegas like to charge for internet access (lame!), so updates tomorrow may be sparse as well.

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