I have to admit that I’m looking forward to being south again, if for no other reason than that I won’t have to fall asleep every night in the broad daylight. You’d think that hotels this far north would have wartime blackout curtains, but no. I’m learning that my level of tiredness is inversely proportional to the amount of ambiant sunlight, so I’m almost never tired here. That sounds good until about 3am. 🙂
Monday night was the Solstice, so we all went to Fairbanks’ Midnight Sun street fair. It was pretty cool. We panned for gold (unsuccessfully), ate fair food, looked at arts and crafts, and just loitered around with hundreds of other people late at night.
In Fairbanks, the sun sets around 1am and rises around 3am this time of year, so there’s technically a sunset, but as you can see, it’s not really all that dark. 😉