Monthly Archives: May 2004

Mt. Diablo write-up

Here’s the Mt. Diablo write-up. This one is more history than riding, but I just couldn’t help it. Lots of history on that there mountain.

Posted in Rides | 5 Comments

Another view on the west coast meet

I’m still working on my write-up from yesterday’s jaunt to Mt Diablo; in the meantime, go read Jordan’s write-up of the ST.N meet. It’s awesome.

Posted in Writing about Riding | 1 Comment

Mt Diablo

Looking west from the summit.

Posted in Rides | 1 Comment

Saturday night fun

Peter’s out of town for the weekend, so it’s a wild and crazy night at the PoofHouse tonight, lemme tell you. Stargzrgrl is also home alone, as her boy is out on a ST.N ride, so we’re drinking beer, IMing, … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

15 days…

By consensus, we’re now leaving a day earlier. Bummer. 😉 Fifteen days. Holy shit. I really don’t have anything any more eloquent than that to say.

Posted in Alaska | 2 Comments