Daily Archives: June 15, 2004

Calamari Quest 2004

We’re on a mission to find the best calamari appetizer in the great north. Heartland Family Restaurant, Cache Creek: very good garlicy sauce. Both rings and little squid bits. Spelled it “Kalamari”, which has now prompted a debate on “c” … Continue reading

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Shirt photos

I keep forgetting to attach the photos to the entry.

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Cheesy touristy shirts

Steph and I bought “Mile Zero” Dawson Creek shirts. We’re wearing them tonight because, well, they’re clean. 😉

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Dawson Creek, BC

We made it to the Alaska Highway! Woo!We were hoping to get farther tonight, but since we all feel like utter death, we decided to make it an early night and get lots of sleep.Two very excitable young gentlemen decided … Continue reading

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Just outside of Chetwynd

I was leading through this section, and my cold/allergies/whatever was knocking me on my ass. It’s hard to ride, watch for the riders behind you, watch for cool scenery to stop at, watch for wildlife to photograph, and watch for … Continue reading

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