Monthly Archives: May 2012

Midget Stig and Stig-In-Training

April and Susan wanted to do another photo shoot — who am I to stand in the way of greatness?  They came over on Sunday night and set up the mini studio in our driveway. (photo copyright Susan Fisher) Yeah, … Continue reading

Posted in Kira, The Daily Grind | 9 Comments

A sleep-deprived new mom watches the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Round 3

Despite watching nearly all of the Round 3 games, I have very little memory of anything that happened.  This may be related to watching the game with a very small human attached to me who was not impressed with mom’s … Continue reading

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Early motorcycling photos

A few photos of our attempts to indoctrinate Kira into the world of motorcycling at the ripe old age of 18 days.  You can’t start brainwashing too early! First picture with the Ninjette: Subliminal messaging: equating clothes/comfort/warmth/happiness with the motorcycle. … Continue reading

Posted in Kira, The Daily Grind | 3 Comments

A grumpy new mom watches the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Round 2

NBC  These awkward Pierre moments are killing me. Doc isn’t irritating me as much as he was in Round 1.  Maybe it was just pregnancy hormones or — and clearly this is more likely — he read my blog and … Continue reading

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