A sleep-deprived new mom watches the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Round 3

Despite watching nearly all of the Round 3 games, I have very little memory of anything that happened.  This may be related to watching the game with a very small human attached to me who was not impressed with mom’s color commentary on the games in question but instead wanted to be walked around, nursed, changed, or pandered to in other mysterious ways.

LA Kings vs Phoenix Coyotes

This series was a really long time ago.

This series was also my auditory nightmare.  Each game had either that hideous Cartman voice or the Coyotes goal howl.  Seriously, can someone explain to me what Cartman has to do with Los Angeles?

Sharkie forgive me; I’m still cheering for the Kings.

I confess that I missed Game 5 and thus Brown’s hit on Rozsival which, it seems, was the most interesting drama to come out of this round.  Sigh.   Puck Daddy will fill you in.

How hilarious is the LA media? 

No, really, it’s incredible.

Clearly I don’t remember anything actually relevant to the game play in this series.  C’mon, it was like a million years ago.

NY Rangers vs New Jersey Devils

I was cheering for  the Rangers so that Donald wouldn’t win.

I liked the yelling match between Torts and DeBoer in Game 4.  Was anyone else hoping Pierre would get caught in a crossfire?

Every time Brodeur does that “scorpion” save, an angel gets its wings.

I’m meh on the Devils going to the finals.  ‘Course I was meh on the Rangers too and actually still want the Flyers to somehow pull it off.  The depressing logical conclusion to this is that now I have to cheer for the Kings once more.  Do they revoke my NorCal cred for that?

Sigh, only four more months until the preseason.  Go Sharks!


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