Monthly Archives: April 2012

Introducing Kira!

Kira Brooks Bierman was born at 12:16am on Friday, April 20.  At birth, she was 6lbs, 9oz and 19″ long. Baby is doing great — parents are tired but otherwise doing well. Photos copyright April Tse.  

Posted in Kira, No Bike Content | 18 Comments

A grumpy pregnant woman watches the Stanley Cup Playoffs, Round 1

Vancouver Canucks vs LA Kings This just doesn’t stop being funny.  I’ve been laughing at this all day. If I were a Kings season ticket holder and had to listen to that Cartman voice all the time, I would stab … Continue reading

Posted in Hockey | 2 Comments

Way Back Machine: My first long distance ride

Another of Red’s questions in the comments was about my first long distance ride.  I had a hard time coming up with which ride fit this bill — “long distance” becomes relative after a while and, by now, anything short … Continue reading

Posted in Trips and Travels, Way Back Machine | 4 Comments

Baby furniture, the motorcyclist’s way

What?  Most people get their changing tables from Harbor Freight, right? (Disclosure: Idea came from here!)

Posted in The Daily Grind | 7 Comments