Monthly Archives: March 2012

Dream rides

Still chugging my way through Red’s questions. 🙂 Your dream rides There are two possible ways to answer this: a real ride that I do want to do someday, or a list of ideal qualities of a ride that all … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

Dream bikes

Continuing on with Red’s questions…. What would your dream bike/bikes look like? Oooh, good question.  Let’s see, in no particular order… Engine:  I like engines with personality.   Thumpers are my favorites, closely followed by V-twins.  I’ve never really been … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 5 Comments

Way Back Machine: Early days of motorcycling

OK, let’s tackle a couple of Red’s questions from the comments the other day. Sorry there aren’t many photos in this entry — my pics from the late 90s are on a different hard drive and I thought I knew … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 3 Comments

Writing iz hard.

Oh hi, I guess it’s been two weeks since I’ve posted.  The good news is that blueberry is still cooking and I hit 33 weeks today.  Yay!  I’m obviously still on modified bed rest, though I’m home now after a … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 5 Comments

Way Back Machine: Beer

So Peter is off in Montana for the week on his annual snowboarding trip with some guys he’s been friends with since he was a wee little Intern Boy at Apple back at the dawn of time.  My only condition … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 4 Comments