Monthly Archives: January 2012

Way Back Machine: Eastern British Columbia

What’s more fun than having a respiratory infection?  Having a respiratory infection when you’re six months pregnant!  Yay! I went to Urgent Care yesterday only to have the doctor take one look at me and say “I won’t prescribe anything … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 1 Comment

Way Back Machine: Tuff Rings

Today’s Way Back Machine is inspired by a news article that I read yesterday, stating that, oops, maybe the Ubehebe volcano didn’t really erupt 6000 years ago.  Maybe it was more like 800 years ago.  If that’s the case, there’s still … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 3 Comments

Way Back Machine: San Simeon 2002

In an effort to keep myself motivated about riding and writing even when I have no new rides to write about, I’m going to be taking some trips in the Way Back Machine to talk about rides of years past. … Continue reading

Posted in Way Back Machine | 3 Comments

Being dragged into the Century of the Fruitbat

I got about 2 hours of sleep last night due to a sore throat/cough; what better thing to do while in a state of sleep deprivation than mess with one’s already precariously-balanced online presence? So I created a Facebook page … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 2 Comments

Fashion priorities

This photo represents 100% of the clothing that we now own for our unborn child.  I know some new parents like to shop for baby clothes and fill the closet with little dresses and socks and outfits, but I feel … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 1 Comment