Aww yeah, new pants!

It always kinda annoyed me that my pants didn’t really fit right and did this:


I mean, what the hell is that? You could have put a table setting for six on my ass.

So anyway, Peter and I were at East West to get our skates sharpened. I took a look at the pants in stock while the skates were being done, and I found these:

RBK 8K Hockey Pants

They RULE. I bought them on the spot and wore them to my Val’s Spiny Dogfish game last night.

They’re perfect for small people — not only do they NOT do the ass thing pictured above, but the thigh pads are adjustable both in height and circumference. I also really like the tailbone protection and the padding covers my kidneys well.

This is my first hockey purchase for something I wanted based on how I play, as opposed to basic level gear just to get started. Next up, maybe a new helmet? I still really like my original skates, gloves, pads, and stick….but a new helmet with higher grade padding might be spiffy.

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