Monthly Archives: February 2006

Qatar SBK (no spoiler)

OK, SBK, that was a great pair of races. I didn’t watch SBK last year because, well, it sucked.* But if this first race at Qatar is any indication, SBK is shaping up to be a good ride this year. … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 6 Comments

NCWHL, here I come!

Andrea and Viv talked me into signing up for NCWHL this coming season (that’s Northern California Women’s Hockey League), woot! If I’m reading the webpage correctly, I need to show up for two evaulations for Green Division, both on Sunday … Continue reading

Posted in Hockey | 4 Comments

The first sign of spring…

….my first round of vacation forms are signed! 🙂 So far, the spring’s looking like: April 21-23: Central Coast ride May 19-21: Third Annual West Coast Regional Meet June 2-4: Second Annual Wind Dancers weekend in Reno Lots … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 4 Comments

New category

This doesn’t really have anything to do with motorcycling, but the alternative of starting a new blog and having to remember two different URLs was pretty daunting. So, dear reader, if you have no interest in All Things Ice, please … Continue reading

Posted in Hockey | 5 Comments

New friends!

Running out of gas on the freeway is a great way to meet new and interesting friends! So, you might notice that I’m on the other side of the road in this photo as I was on the last. The … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 10 Comments