NCWHL, here I come!

Andrea and Viv talked me into signing up for NCWHL this coming season (that’s Northern California Women’s Hockey League), woot!

If I’m reading the webpage correctly, I need to show up for two evaulations for Green Division, both on Sunday evenings (3/19 and 3/26). I should definitely be able to do both Linda’s New Almaden ride on the afternoon of the 19th and the evaluation in the evening.

I’m not too worried about my skating abilities, but I’ll definitely need some coaching for stick handling. I haven’t had a stick on the ice in 8 years, and I never really learned how to play properly then. I’m sure I have many many terrible puck handling habits festering in the recesses of my brain.

Here’s a blast from the past: the last time I played hockey, November 1998:


Ain’t we cute?

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