The first sign of spring…

….my first round of vacation forms are signed! 🙂

So far, the spring’s looking like:

April 21-23: Central Coast ride

May 19-21: Third Annual West Coast Regional Meet

June 2-4: Second Annual Wind Dancers weekend in Reno

Lots of potential day rides, too:

Early March: Ride up to Redding to go to Rick Mayer Cycles for a custom seat
March 19: Linda’s New Almaden historical marker ride
March 25: Ride to Alviso to see the E Clampus Vitus historical marker dedication
April 8: Wind Dancers ride to the Pacific Grove Police Motorcycle Competition
May 13: Wind Dancers Enduro
June 10: Genia’s ride

Hopefully I’ll also get Peter out on our dualsports in there sometime, too. *bounce*

I just love early spring…so full of promise!

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