Daily Archives: July 26, 2004

Changing Gears

Wow, I’m just blogtastic tonight, huh. I just got an email from Alice Sexton, president of WIMA USA, about Changing Gears. Changing Gears will be a motorcycle ride in October, from San Diego to San Francisco, done by 20 breast … Continue reading

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Game’s On!

OK, let’s play. Anyone have any idea what bike this might have come from? There are more photos here. The last photo of the set is the SVS’s radiator, back on the bike. You can tell that it, um, looks … Continue reading

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Radiator updates

I’d started about four different entries about the radiator situations over the past week, and then kept getting distracted by work, cats, random shiny things, whatever. After talking with some peeps on the World Wide Interweb and Jamie at the … Continue reading

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