I was just telling Steph that the nice thing about this whole “writing” thing is that I get to rationalize buying other people’s books by saying they’re for “research”.
Current “research”:
Rising from the Plains, John McPhee. I figure that if I adore California history, and enjoy Nevada and Arizona history, and liked McPhee’s book on Alaskan history, I’ll like this one on Wyoming history. Soon I’ll have to move east just to get interested in more states.
Travels in Alaska, John Muir. I’ve been warned not to start with this one, unless I really really really like glaciers. But it was on sale at a used bookstore. Besides, I’m from Wisconsin and live in California. How could I not like John Muir?
Beyond the Wall, Edward Abbey. Mmmm. Edward Abbey. Need I say more?
Assembling California, John McPhee. Probably one of the only books I bought that actually will end up being used for research. But if anyone will make me enjoy reading about the geological history of California, it’s John McPhee. I should do a separate journal entry on him sometime.
California: A Study of American Character, Josiah Royce. A history of the West, first published in 1886. I haven’t yet read any Royce; in fact, all I know about him is that he went on to teach philosophy at Harvard. But, hey! Research.
BikerLady: Living and Riding Free, Sasha Mullins. OK, I’ll ‘fess up — this one isn’t research; I just needed to get my ass in gear and buy Sasha’s book. My photo’s in the color section between pages 110-111, for those playing along at home.