Daily Archives: December 12, 2003

Much Excitement in the Magazine World

First RoadBike, then Rider, and then WomanRider…lots of changes in the magazine world these days. RoadBike continues to be the clear winner in my eyes. Their new look is clean without being minimalist; sharp without being too flashy. Jessica Prokup … Continue reading

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Testing mobile blogging

Setting up the blog to work from the road.

Posted in Administrivia | Leave a comment


I finally remembered to print out The 2004 Travel Publications Update from TravelWriters.com. It ended up being 35 pages long, which made me feel guilty about using the work printer for about 15 seconds. I pored over it during lunch, … Continue reading

Posted in Writing about Riding | Leave a comment


I wish that I could say that I haven’t been writing because I’ve been so busy riding around and wrenching and doing fun and exciting things. The truth is somewhat less glamourous. I haven’t been writing because I’ve been so … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

A new look

So, I’ve decided to join the typepad cult. I’ve just been too busy lately to maintain my templates, and besides, they were starting to look a little long in the tooth. So this’ll give us all something to play with … Continue reading

Posted in Administrivia | 1 Comment