Monthly Archives: January 2009

Off to the doctor

The Beemer went off to Ted Porter's Beemer Shop this morning.   I hate seeing the bike in the truck.  Boo.  But, with work and hockey the way they are lately — not to mention three other motorcycles that need some sort … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Wrenching | 3 Comments

My motorcycle looks like Carlsbad Caverns.

W. T. F. The Beemer's been running fine for once, which always makes me nervous. And for good reason! So today, the temperature light went on. "That's odd," thought I, since it was 40F out at the time. I rode … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Wrenching | 11 Comments

San Jose Burninators vs Houston Harpies: 1-0

We're the 2009 Las Vegas Women's Hockey Classic Wynn Division champions!! Today's game was awesome. I think it was the best game I've ever played. I skated hard to the puck, fought hard in the corners, made smart passes, got … Continue reading

Posted in Burninators, Hockey | 3 Comments

San Jose Burninators vs LA Hot Flashes: 5-0

This was the most fun game, IMO — the other team was cheerful and friendly. It was a bit of a bummer victory though, as the Hot Flashes' goalie was suffering from food poisoning and spent a bit of the … Continue reading

Posted in Burninators, Hockey | 3 Comments

San Jose Burninators vs Phoenix WHOA Smokin’ Aces: 3-2 OT

This morning's game was really cool for me as it was the first time I've played D against a team that really cycled. Fortunately we knew this ahead of time as we watched some of WHOA's game last night, so … Continue reading

Posted in Burninators, Hockey | 1 Comment