Puck Ewes vs Gitterdun: 3-0; Puck Bunnies vs Red Menace: 1-0

Sunday was a hockey doubleheader for me; we had our Puck Ewes game at 4:15pm, then I stayed and subbed for the Puck Bunnies at 5:45pm.

Thanks to the amazing Nora "Nabby" Grasham, we shut out both games! 😀

I really had a lot of fun in both games.  I played D for the Puck Ewes and center for the Puck Bunnies and did passably at both.  I probably did slightly better at D (and the defensive half of center), but I may just be thinking that since I didn't get any goals/assists at center.  Ah well, story of my life this season.

I got my first penalty EVAR in the Puck Ewes game, too: a tripping penalty against Jodi.  April even captured it in all its glory:




Annnnnnd, there's my call.


Pffft.  Though now I know the sweet taste of goondom and will soon be slashing and hooking with the best of them (*cough* Andrea* cough*).

Speaking of April and her pictures….why am I ever worried that I'm screening Nora?



Forget that I appear to be defending against no one, yeesh.   Point is, even WITHOUT skates, I think Nora has a good 10" or 11" on me. 

OK, one last picture, because Nora is the cutest thing evarrrr.



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