Monthly Archives: April 2007

Best hockey birthday evar.

Not only did the Sharks win a questionably deserved game against the Red Wings, but….I got the best hockey birthday present evar — a visit from Sharkie!!   Thanks, sweetie!

Posted in Hockey | 3 Comments

The big 3-0

Well, time to enter my fourth decade. Anyone leave an inuksuk out to guide my way? Damn, I’ve celebrated seven birthdays with my bike journal now. I think I like my 24th birthday post best, when I skipped work and … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 8 Comments

Here’s to a longer-lived chain

I had a productive F650GS weekend, as I both replaced the chain and sprockets and installed a Scottoiler (to prevent doing the former again too terribly soon). Doing the Scottoiler was particularly satisfying because it’s the fourth bike that we’ve … Continue reading

Posted in F650GS, Wrenching | 1 Comment

Gah, hockey hates me this weekend

I had fun at both of my games this weekend, but I really feel that I played like t3h sux0r. I’m going through that same impatient phase that I have in every hobby, where I think I should be improving … Continue reading

Posted in Hockey | 1 Comment

Are Too!! vs Bloody Marys: 2-0

Our Northern California Women’s Hockey League team this season is now officially “Are Too!!”. The exclamation points are very important. We had a good game against the Bloody Marys last night, which we won, 2-0. I credit Jim (Bubba Zanetti … Continue reading

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