First game of the new season; Harem vs Mirage: 4-3. I was on the Harem (shut up, you in the back) and we were actually 4-0 until Shauna left partway through the game and things just started going south. But it was still a ton of fun.
Ice Oasis was doing free pitchers of beer for teams with green jerseys tonight; since the two women’s league teams that played were blue and yellow (which together, of course, make green), we convinced the rink to give us all free beer. I think that eight of us went through six pitchers, so you do the math. Tierzo taught me how to say “one more pitcher of beer, please!” in Spanish, so I got to order all night. Una más jarra de cerveza, por favor!
There was much laughing and talking and storytelling. It was all wonderful fun. Peter played in the 7pm skills practice and came back upstairs at 8:30pm to find us all still drinking and laughing and bullshitting.
Anyway, around 10:30pm, someone said, “we should go to stick and shoot!” So Peter, Krista, Molly, Robbie, Shauna, and I dragged our thoroughly drunk asses back to the locker room, got re-geared up, and played for another half hour, 45 minutes, or so. SO MUCH FUN. We did shooting and skating and spent quite a bit of time skating really hard from the goal line and then throwing ourselves onto the ice and seeing how far we could slide. Very much like adult drunken Slip ‘N’ Slide, with padding! I even managed to do backwards crossovers for the first time ever…I’m hoping to be able to reproduce this new skill while sober at NCWHL practice tomorrow. 😉
I love hockey.