Monthly Archives: December 2005

Other news.

Warren Brooks Boyce July 31, 1928 – December 16, 2005 I love you, dad.

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2% club!

A couple of my buddies have a podcast called Motocast, in which they chat about bike-related goodness. In their most recent episode, they interviewed Andy Goldfine, president of Aerostich, which makes the extremely-popular-amongst-sport-tourers Roadcrafter suit. As part of the … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 15 Comments

Sorry, boys!

All right, I can finally make ONE announcement… After seven and a half years of dating, Peter and I have finally accepted that we’re just damn well stuck with each other. He proposed at the Sharks game last night, after … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 20 Comments


So, yeah, I’m still alive, despite all blog-related evidence to the contrary. I haven’t been riding. In fact, the last time I sat on a bike was…*checks calendar*…November 19. I’m not particularly injured, the weather’s fine…I’m just not riding. I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 8 Comments