Woah, it’s September already?

First off, sorry to anyone who’s sent me email lately, only to have it disappear off into the Void.

Part of my Staying Sane While Working plan is to read only work email while at work — this works well for keeping me focused at work, but does shit for keeping me on top of my personal email. So…yeah. Sorry. I’d say my turnaround time will improve but, no, probably not.

As far as bike updates go:

* Ray the Sadist says this my next appointment (Friday) will likely be my last one. Yay! My shoulder has improved dramatically — I still haven’t done an all-day motorcycle ride since starting physical therapy, but hopefully with rest/stretch breaks and continued exercise, the shoulder’ll hold up.

* Last weekend was the Wind Dancers annual Pacific Rally, and it was an utter blast as always. I’m partway through a “real” write-up of the weekend, but I’ll give y’all a teaser of a few photos:

My happy little campsite:

Me at the Rim of the World vista point (Hwy 120 between Groveland, CA and Yosemite)

The XT and Jenny’s F650GS:


Our motley crew:

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