Monthly Archives: August 2005

My old nemesis has returned.

So, once again, I’m having clutch issues. After doing the valves, I took off the front sprocket cover to clean up the ten metric fucktons of crap that the chain spews there; while in the general area, I decided to … Continue reading

Posted in SV650S | 8 Comments

Nice rack.

I’m totally lusting over this rack for the XT: (click for info) So far I’ve been successful in convincing myself that just because I have a job again does not mean I can spend money like it grows on trees, … Continue reading

Posted in XT225 | 2 Comments

And then we finally rode

OK, I know y’all have just been waiting with bated breath for something interesting to come out of our ride yesterday. I’ll try to deliver. Once we got the valve cover thing all straightened out, we headed south on Summit … Continue reading

Posted in Rides, XT225 | Leave a comment

One of those days

A bit of backstory…Peter and I were going to go riding this past weekend with Rhiannon and her boyfriend, but P’s twisted ankle was acting up again and we decided a long ride wasn’t the best idea. We still wanted … Continue reading

Posted in Rides, XT225 | 3 Comments

More map goodness

Since I know there are others out there addicted to maps… Check out Total Escape for your California Forest Service map needs. I just ordered 2 maps from them and got them quickly and in perfect yummy trail-showing condition. They’re … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 1 Comment