Monthly Archives: March 2005

The clutch is dead, long live the clutch!

I picked up the Barnett clutch yesterday. While soaking the friction plates in motor oil before installation, I thumbed through the SVS’s service manual and actually managed to find the wear limits for the old plates. I’d been looking for … Continue reading

Posted in Wrenching | 7 Comments

Greetings from sunny South Lake Tahoe

Peter and I drove to South Lake Tahoe to see some of his family this weekend. I mention this in my motorcycle journal because it was truly exciting for me to use a gas station restroom without having to first … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 6 Comments

Neat back photo

In the “money where my mouth is” department, I took some fitness progress photos yesterday. I particularly liked this one of my back. The lighting was a little weird to start with; plus, I played with the levels a little … Continue reading

Posted in Fitness | 7 Comments

Well, sure, *now* it’s sunny.

I’m no longer sick, my shoulder is feeling better, the sun is finally out, and the weather is gorgeous. So I’ve been driving to work all week. It’ll be a good thing in the long run — I’m finally being … Continue reading

Posted in Wrenching | 4 Comments

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Today’s my sweetie’s 29th birthday. Let’s see what kind of motorcycle pics I can dig up from his 28th year…. AMA races at Sears Point (May 04) The Arctic Ocean at Barrow, Alaska (June 04) Coleman Valley Rd, Sonoma, CA … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 3 Comments