SVS brain dump

The SVS is smack-dab in between services right now, and I want to jot down some of the things I’ve been noticing on my commutes. I may do the next service early to look into some of these.

Clutch is blecchy.
The clutch lever is getting really hard to pull in again. As it’s also getting hard to shift into neutral at lights, I think it probably needs adjusting. Again. I may want to pull the crankcase cover and actually look at the clutch plates; it seems like I’m adjusting the clutch way too often over the past year or so.

I should also replace the clutch lever, which has been bent since time began.

Brakes are spongy.
There’s quick, responsive braking, and then there’s the SVS braking. It’s due to have its brake hoses replaced next month (ah, how fast four years goes by); I’ll be replacing the remaining rubber with stainless steel lines. If that doesn’t help, I may rebuild the master cylinder this summer.

Something is up with the front end.
I don’t yet know whether it’s the tire, the wheel, or the steering stem, but something in the front is giving a little shudder. This is my number one priority to figure out, as it has the potential to grow into something dangerous.

The seat is falling apart.
Not really a maintenance issue per se, but I need to get the gel seat re-upholstered. I’m choosing to believe that the fabric is deteriorating because my butt slides around to hang off like a pro in the turns.

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