The Port Stockton Motorcycle Club just updated their website to include info and an entry form for the 2004 AMA Grand Tour.
This would be a good year to join if anyone out there in WebLand is interested in participating, but doesn’t think they would be able to donate tons of time. The contest this year is based on the entrant’s total points, not on a set number of landmarks or destinations.
From the website:
Points will accumulate in the following manner:
1) Photos of original Lincoln Highway markers or sites
2) Photos of road signs for any community along the original Lincoln Highway
3) Photos of any sites, markers, or landmarks that refer to or were erected in memory of the Highway
4) Photos of street or road signs that have “Lincoln” in their name and were originally part of the Highway system
5) Additional points will be given to entrants for increments of mileage that their home is from the nearest Lincon Highway location. This will benefit and encourage entrants from areas in the country not close to the original Highway.
They’re also going to award a Traveler’s Award, based on the longest distance traveled along the Lincoln Highway (verified by photos of end points and each state crossed).
Alex, you should go for that award! You’re pretty much running the length of the Highway when you ride from NY – CA this summer. 🙂
Me, I’m sticking to California and Nevada Highway markers/sites this year. I don’t think it’s reasonable to shoot for anything further east of Nevada, considering the amount of time I’ll be out of state as-is. Knowing my luck, the 2005 Grand Tour will be “places carolyn went to on her way to Alaska”. 😉
For those who know they’ll be doing this contest (Linda and Steph), check out this link:
Lincoln Highway Resouce Guide Table of Contents. I printed out the articles, lists, and maps for both California and Nevada.
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