September progress report

What’s going on?

Boy howdy, I’m behind in my blog.   I’m going to whip this one out before heading to the NCWHL board meeting just so that I’m only three entries behind instead of four.  Yeesh.

New Back Doc

I’m still doing spinal decompression therapy once per week.  No issues at all!

Last month I noted that I had a minor amount of pain at the end of the session when I move to get off the table.   This has been much reduced the past couple of times, so, yay!


I did acupuncture once more over the past month.  I still think it helps; it’s really just my insane schedule that’s preventing me from going more.

Activity Log

Here’s a rough list of the active stuff I’ve done since the August progress report.

  • Rode about 230 miles for fun, plus I commuted on the bike maybe a half-dozen times, which would be an additional ~ 275 miles.  Dude.  That kinda rules.
  • Worked on the Ninjette! Not much, just adding a low volume insert to the exhaust, but it’s the first mechanic stuff I’ve done in a long time
  • Hiked ~10 miles the Angel Island weekend (half of that with a 20 lb backpack)
  • Couch to 5K on average three times/week
  • Continued doing house stuff like painting

Reactions to Activity

For the most part, my back is reacting well to activity.  I haven’t had any trouble at all with motorcycle rides, even commuting.  I still have a bit of soreness after a ride longer than 60 or so miles, but it’s not even the 1-3 days of muscle pain that I talked about last month.

I still have thigh/calf tingles and coldness sometimes; I’m starting to think that’ll be a long term thing.  That’s OK, though, it doesn’t hurt and it doesn’t prevent me from doing anything.

What’s Next?

Here’s what’s on tap between now and mid-October:

  • More motocamping
  • I still need to hit the 100-mile ride goal
  • Hanging out at ice rinks in Las Vegas while Peter’s tournament team plays — last time I spent a lot of time in the actual rink, my back would hurt from the cold. We’ll see if that still happens!
  • Lots and lots of work; relevant because sitting and meetings and sitting and meetings has historically been quite painful.  It’s been OK recently, so hopefully that trend will continue.
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