Monthly Archives: October 2011

Teiz Revolution

OK, kids, I’m going to try to do a review of Teiz’s Revolution suit.  Bear in mind that it’s a Saturday morning, I’m in the middle of a (admittedly quiet) war room at work right now, and I’ve been working … Continue reading

Posted in Stuff! Stuff! Stuff! | 10 Comments

Crystal Springs Reservoir

Woo, I finally got a little Ninjette ride in today!  I didn’t have much time because I had to get back home to work (that’s clearly what I’m doing now, right?) but it was too nice a day not to … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250 | 5 Comments

Here’s to the crazy ones.

In 1976, the year before I was born, Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer. My mom purchased a Macintosh Plus computer in 1986. In 1991, mom bought a Quadra and I got the Plus.  The Plus saw me through high school and … Continue reading

Posted in No Bike Content | 8 Comments