Ninja and massages: a great combination!

Today’s ride was a gorgeous 32-mile ride down to Palo Alto and back for an appointment with a massage therapist.  My back had been pretty stiff/sore, so I figured a massage was a perfect excuse to ride on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon.

Sadly, that was the only photo I took — even though I took the scenic route to Palo Alto, I was running a little late for my appointment so I didn’t stop for photos.  Believe me, though, I had a huge grin as the trees were orange and yellow, the sky was bright blue, and there were horseback riders and bicyclists out in full force.  I’m OK with 70F days in November!

The way home was a boring straight shot down El Camino Real, the main surface street on the peninsula, as I had to stop along the way for cat food (hence the Givi bag).  I considered taking a picture of the Ninja at the pet food store but decided my readers’ patience for my boring ride photos goes only so far. 😉

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