Monthly Archives: November 2010

Ride to Los Trancos Woods

Today’s ride was 39 miles, bringing the Thanksgiving week total to 74 miles! Woot! I didn’t really have anywhere in mind to go today; I just knew it was sunny (and wouldn’t be tomorrow) and I wanted to take some … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Rides | 6 Comments

Ride to Pulgas Water Temple

There was a break in the rain this afternoon and I have the week off of work — the perfect combination for some riding! My original intent was to ride north to the Crystal Springs Dam, but I was quickly … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Rides | 5 Comments

2010 bike show

Peter and I went to the bike show yesterday for the first time since 2006! I was surprised it had been that long, but we’d gone six or seven years in a row and it’s not like things change all … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

Oh, hi, winter

It’s Bike Show weekend, which can only mean one thing — the start of rainy season. The poor Ninja is stuck inside as the rain pours down.  But fear not, brave steed… hints at sunny days to come during my … Continue reading

Posted in The Daily Grind | 2 Comments

Ninja and massages: a great combination!

Today’s ride was a gorgeous 32-mile ride down to Palo Alto and back for an appointment with a massage therapist.  My back had been pretty stiff/sore, so I figured a massage was a perfect excuse to ride on a gorgeous … Continue reading

Posted in Ninja 250, Rides | 2 Comments