Puck Ewes vs R3: 2-1

Last night was our first NCWHL  game of the season, which we won 2-1!  Our team name is "Puck Ewes" which is awesome and naughty and goofy, so I love it. I must make little sheep stickers for our helmets.

I was really surprised by how well the team gelled already.  The first couple of shifts were….well, they were a bit rough, but it's probably been a few weeks since most people had been on the ice.  The passing and positioning was CRAZY good though — I think it was the best game, passing-wise, I've ever played for NCWHL.  I hope we stick to that!

While I'm blabbing about hockey, we met Dan and Colleen for lunch and a trip to East West Hockey today.  They bought sticks, bags, and some assorted gear while I dorked around in the RapidShot.  

Viv happened by while I was practicing and gave me some great shooting advice.  She told me to relax (duh!) and also pull back a little with the top hand as well as pushing forward with the bottom hand.  "Flick," she told me.  It really made a huge difference!  Whenever I remembered to do "the Viv flick", I lifted the puck.  Success!

Must practice this on the ice tonight at stick and shoot after going to the Sharks game.  Woo, Sharks!
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