My new commute!

As I alluded to prior to vacation, Peter and I have moved.  Yay!

In addition to more garage space, the new house features a brand new — and much more fun — commute.

So, without further ado, I present to you my new commute.

If you have to take the interstate, you definitely want it to look like this.  In the wintertime, the brown hills are neon green with the rain.  It’s really very pretty all year round.


One thing that I really like about California interstates is how CalTrans recycles non-potable water to plant neat flowers.


All of my commute on the interstate runs parallel to the Santa Cruz mountains (this is also the San Andreas faultline).  This is looking up towards some gorgeous stuff like Alice’s Restaurant, Butano State Park, etc.


One of the coolest things about the San Francisco Bay Area is how the fog rolls in over the hills.


Once off the freeway, I have a nice open swoopy road.  


I’m back in the hills a little bit, which means that I need to go up, up, up…..



And then down, down, down.



Our intersection has an awesome pair of signs: “Road Narrows” and “Not a Through Street”.  That means fun!


Our actual street is a gorgeous California backroad.  A little too populated to be a great motorcyclist road (there are always cars coming up or down, so I’m always on the lookout for cars coming around the blind corners), but it’s still nice.  Lots and lots and lots of deer, too, so if you ever visit, be on guard for Bambi.



And here’s the Beemer happily tucked into the new driveway.  Awww.  Only the XT and the Beemer are moved so far, so they have plenty of elbow room for the first time ever. 😉


So that’s my new commute.  Hey, if you’ve got to go to work, you might as well make it pretty. 🙂
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